- Your supply of willpower is limited and you use the same resource for many different things.
- After making many and/or tough decisions, your self-control will be weakened.
- Watch for subtle, easily misinterpreted signs to see if you willpower is depleted:
- Things bother you more than usual
- You feel things more strongly than usual
- It's hard to make up your mind on simple things
- You're reluctant to make a decision or to exert yourself either physically or mentally
- Get healthy food into your body.
- Pick your battles and put your life in perspective: Be flexible and expect setbacks. What matters is that your life gradually improves from month to month.
- Set a clear time limit for specific tasks.
- Make a to-do list and plan the next specific step.
- Beware the planning fallacy: be realistic about how much time you will need to finish a task.
- Live a healthy lifestyle (enough sleep, exercise, etc.).
- Be clean and orderly (make the bed, clean your room/desk/house, etc.).
- Be careful not to get into bad habits.
- Try positive procrastination: put off giving in to temptations now --> vice delayed may turn out to be vice denied
- Try the "Nothing Alternative": if you can't get yourself to do what you're supposed to do, do nothing. You're not allowed to do anything positive!
- Monitor yourself
- Instead of feeling as if you've failed, think that you just haven't succeeded yet. And then reward yourself when you reach your goal.
And don't forget to play offense. Don't keep putting it off. Start now... Yeah, I'm talking to you, Carsten!
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